ZAMCO proudly offers Zamco collect. A unique collections solution that eliminates bank fees and delivers a higher percentage Of paid items than Other collection programs. Zamco Collect works with all existing payment processing solutions and provides online reporting so you can monitor the status of your uncollected items.
Collections &
The challenge of collections can be summarized in one simple question: Do I want to run my business or do I Want to run down bad debt? Zamco Collect is the answer. Zamco Collect has been carefully crafted to ensure rapid and favorable resolution Of your Outstanding payments, phased approach win Save you money. resolve your outstanding items. and in some cases generate new revenue for your firm.
This is the most unique collection and recovery solution available in the market today because of our "No-Fee" approach to processing and resubmitting returned or uncollected items. Not only do We eliminate all bank charges for returned items, we are also able to collect items than most collection services or products.
Whether you have a single location with multiple registers or multiple locations around the country, consolidating return processing is both operationally and financially a very smart idea.
A single source for processing, monitoring, and tracking returns is a great way to run your business. ZAMCO has the technology and expertise to develop the best return process for your firm. We deploy our solutions in a way that recognizes your business geography, size, type and existing return item history. Zamco Collect was designed to support all return processing models.
Text-2-Pay (T2P) is a mobile platform that enables payments to be collected through any mobile device. You can text customers directly with an embedded payment link. Clicking on the link directs them to the specific invoice on your payment page. The customer can then pay you directly via T2P, saving time, eliminating costs, and accelerating cash flow. Recurring payment capabilities are available.
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